Sarah's story

While working in the field of office design, Sarah found genuine enjoyment in her job. However, she yearned for an opportunity to make a more significant impact. During her quest to bring together luxury and ecology, she crossed paths with Philip Cracco, an entrepreneur who shared the same vision. Tragically, Philip passed away prematurely due to an incurable disease. Inspired by their shared goal, Sarah crafted a comprehensive business plan and set out to fulfill their dream of planting at least one million trees.

This marked the birth of Go Forest. Motivated by this initial success, Sarah went on to co-establish several more companies with a strong focus on sustainability. These enterprises formed a foundation for the realization of their collective mission, fostering a thriving ecosystem of environmentally conscious businesses.


Sarah's unwavering drive is fueled by her desire to share her story and empower others to make a difference. She firmly believes that every individual has the power to create an impact, and this conviction propels her forward. By transmitting her experiences and insights, she aims to inspire and motivate people from all walks of life to take action and contribute to a better future.

It is this passion for spreading awareness and enabling collective impact that continues to be the driving force behind Sarah's endeavors. We invite you to join us in making a meaningful ecological impact.


As Go Forest quickly became surrounded with Go Ocean and Go Loud, the need to create an umbrella entity for these impact-driven companies grew, so Go Family was established..



Go Family is the home of impact-driven companies who tackle the biggest challenge our planet is facing today: climate change.

Change is needed. And we cannot do it alone. That is why joining forces and combining the strengths of companies sharing the same visions and goals is an important step towards a greener and better future. Go Family empowers change, together as one, by reducing the carbon footprint of companies and giving back to nature at the same time. A much-needed impact creation where everybody wins.

The idea of collaborating and sharing resources is a cost-effective way that maximizes impact at the same time - in the long run.



With Go Forest they want to inspire and motivate both individuals and companies to not only think, but act in a future-oriented way. Let’s plan(t) a greener future together.

Forests slow down climate change and are the most important reservoir of biodiversity. Unfortunately, deforestation weighs heavily on our planet. That’s why Go Forest offers accessible and transparent solutions to plant trees with impact. And it doesn’t stop at just planting and nursing the trees. They also enjoy a period of maintenance and monitoring to make sure they are healthy and have a lasting impact.

Through her passion and commitment, Sarah wants to demonstrate that a harmonious coexistence with nature is not just a dream, but a tangible reality. Out of love for our planet and her alluring nature, Sarah founded Go Forest together with CO2logic to give back to Mother Earth and fight deforestation.

Go Smart Digital was established out of an ordinary conversation between Sarah Parent and Tim Sterkcx. Their mutual interests sparked them to join forces and found Go Smart Digital in 2023 to further expand the sustainable family..


Smart Digital

Go Smart Digital is a brand of Go Smart, guiding companies in their sustainability journey. From knowing what can be done, to implementing change. They are in it for the long run.

Go Smart Digital helps businesses with their digital footprint. By measuring and mapping your IT infrastructure, they uncover your opportunities for change. Seize these opportunities, optimize the way your company uses its digital space and not only save costs but also help save the planet.

Recognizing the pressing need to draw attention to the critical state of the Atlantic Forest, the Go Forest team aimed to generate further awareness by embarking on an additional initiative. Convincing companies to take action for a cause located on the opposite side of the world can be a significant challenge, even though these forests serve as the lungs of our planet.


It’s time to stop deforestation now. Reconnect the Atlantic Forest! The ultimate goal is for the forest to become unified again and for nature to grow freely, as it once did, for the benefit of local people, fauna and flora.

Retopia is a collaboration between Arne Quinze, Go Forest and South Pole. Arne Quinze is a Belgian contemporary artist, painter, and sculptor. With this project, Arne wants to take the lead and activate his network to restore the Atlantic Forest in his second home: Brazil.



Go Ocean is a much-needed addition to Go Forest to also emphasize the blue part of our planet. Let’s restore the Earth’s blue lung.

Go Ocean aims to restore shorelines and coral reefs, promote the resilience of ocean ecosystems to threats such as climate change, and protect wild ocean habitats. They plant and maintain corals, reefs, seagrasses, mangroves and more in cooperation with local people to restore the right ocean ecosystems in the right regions and create the most positive effects on biodiversity, carbon storage, employment, livelihood and the coastal economy.

Driven by a strong commitment to restore and protect our planet's invaluable marine ecosystems, Sarah, alongside her colleagues Marte and Jacob, established a new branch in collaboration with Go Forest, specifically dedicated to ocean restoration efforts.

Contact me or book a meeting

For further insights on how individuals and businesses can assume responsibility for addressing climate change, you can connect with Sarah. She can inspire you with practical strategies to make a small yet significant contribution towards building a greener and more sustainable future. You can contact Sarah directly or book her as a speaker for your upcoming (keynote) event.


“ You don’t have to be a perfect greenie to create an impact. ”



Womed Award '21
Student entrepreneur '14
Finalist Trends
Impact Awards '22

© Sarah Parent 2024

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