big change

starts small.

Sarah isn't your typical die-hard environmentalist. She also has a soft spot for traveling and cherishes the joys of life. Nevertheless, she's determined to contribute to a better world by incorporating eco-friendly practices into her daily routine. Sarah understands that instantaneously creating a monumental global impact is unrealistic. Instead, she believes in the power of small, meaningful actions that make a difference. It's not about the quantity, but rather the quality of her efforts—an attainable yet impactful approach. That's why Sarah likes to refer to her style as "middle ground activism."

Not your average climate activist, nice to meet you.

© Photo by Belfius

not your average

climate activist.

In her book, "Not Your Average Climate Activist," Sarah recounts her unconventional journey and how she never imagined herself as a climate entrepreneur. She emphasizes the importance of taking detours and exploring different paths to discover one's true mission. Through her story, she aims to inspire both activists and entrepreneurs to forge their own unique paths.

The book, "Not Your Average Climate Activist," is brimming with a multitude of ecohacks—simple yet impactful actions that demonstrate how we can make a difference without completely upending our lives. It reflects the philosophy that underpins Go Forest and the interconnected network of complementary companies within the Go Family ecosystem. Believing in small steps on a big scale.

“ We, human beings, we are capable of so many things. We are even capable of landing on the moon. And how impressive all of that is... We must land back on Earth again first.”


Let's talk about it

Many people want to contribute to a greener world, but are somewhat searching in how to do their part here. This is where Sarah steps in and addresses the many possibilities of creating an impact.

Whether you are running a business or you are an individual, it is the many small, regular actions that make the difference. And executing these small things in an ecological way is as easy as one-two-t(h)ree.

Interested in learning more about it? Let’s get in touch!

Follow my journey

Join Sarah on her journey and follow along as she takes you on her adventures. Excited where she’ll go next? See the world through a female entrepreneurs’ eyes and don’t miss out on a new Sarah Short by following her YouTube channel.  

What's up

"Wij verkopen geen groene aflaat, maar natuurherstel."

"Veel mensen verwachten dat ik vegan ben"

Belgische bedrijven gaan koralen planten in Indonesië

Contact me or book a meeting

For further insights on how individuals and businesses can assume responsibility for addressing climate change, you can connect with Sarah. She can inspire you with practical strategies to make a small yet significant contribution towards building a greener and more sustainable future. You can contact Sarah directly or book her as a speaker for your upcoming (keynote) event.



Womed Award '21
Student entrepreneur '14
Finalist Trends
Impact Awards '22

© Sarah Parent 2024

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